
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Very Fairy Birthday!

I am so blessed to be the mother of four children! My second daughter was born just two days after our wedding anniversary. Makes for a very busy weekend....
Being that we have four kids, we try to make each birthday All About the birthday girl/boy. The whole week is about "What they want to do" , "What they want to eat", "What kind of party do they want" , and best of all, "No Hard Chores"  They still have to do little ones. I'm mean like that :)

We start off with The Birthday Board which I posted about in April. It gets them all excited and geared up for a week of fun!
Next up, comes the Party Theme. Which, now that they are all getting older, I don't get to choose anymore. (Give me a minute to pout...)
This last one was all Fairies

The Invitations were in story-form and signed by the Fairy Godmother

We were planning on having the party outside but moved inside due to rain. This is one of the stumps that we made into a Fairy House. Each girl got a pair of fairy wings to wear and a fairy wand.

We painted on tree bark to make signs for all of the Fairy Food.
I hit up the Dollar Tree and bought some moss and fake flowers

Two of the teen girls from our church came to help

The Birthday Girl Enjoying some Troll Toes

Everybody Dressed Up....
(Yes, Even Me, Wings and all!)

Lots of fun gifts!

The whole room was decorated like a garden. I wish I had gotten more pictures! I got some Fairy Wall Decals from the $ Tree and some Butterfly ones as well. I hung them from the ceiling, so there were fairies and butterflies flying everywhere! We played a scavenger hunt and that is how the girls found their goodie bags and of course; there was face painting, nail painting and a little bit of make-up going on too.
All in all, the birthday girl said it was "Soooo, cool!"  Sounds like a winner to me!

Happy 8th Birthday, Sweetie!

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