
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A note of encouragement

My husband recently wrote a letter to our children on his blog and I want to share a few excerpts with you.

Carrots and Goals

To my children:
The older you get the more intelligent, crafty, and agile you may become. In doing so, you will become a valuable asset to others. Some may seek to aid you in your knowledge base, and others may seek to plug you in somewhere to help them achieve something they are striving for. This is not necessarily wrong. Having discernment in these situations is very important. It is very easy for some dream to become your target when you had not planned on it for yourself.

In school, one good goal would be to make straight A's or be on the honor roll. Some students couldn't care less while others set aside friendships, sports, and God to accomplish that goal. If and when it is attained, you may be granted a scholarship to a college. This trend may repeat for college.

As an athlete in high school, apply yourself to your tasks. Train as you should, practice your shooting, passing, etc. Excel here too, and seek to improve at a faster rate than others, but don't get lost here.

In your first job, you will start out doing meanial tasks. Excel here. Make no mistake, do your best. Once you beat the curve or the standard path taken by others, you will be noticed. Managers will quickly realize your potential and want you on their team. This is not wrong either. Grow, and apply yourself, but don't get lost.

As a mother, it may be necessary to prepare your home, take care of children, or make big decisions for the household. All of these tasks are necessary and proper. Excell here. Be a wonderful support system for your husband, and a leader for him when he needs a break or has faltered.

In a few years of breaking through new barriers like these, I have noticed a trend that you should know before you excel as I know you will.

Don't let a good thing blur your focus. Don't let getting straight A's cloud your judgment on your priorities. Don't let being a good athlete and having to practice often take over your life. Don't let a good first job or second job opportunity take you down a road you didn't know you were going. Don't let being a spouse drag you away from the very spouse you married.
Don't ever forget our catechism. What is the chief end of man? The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

As you progress in your life, remember who granted life to you, who protects you, and who saved you. 
 Read the Bible for yourself. Use your Bible to help you discern error. Ask God to help guide you to himself.
(If you would like to read the entire post, you can click the link below)
From the Foundation of the World

 I hope this was an encouragement to you as it was to me!

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