
Friday, November 18, 2011

Bible Time

After many months of peer pressure, I have finally given in and joined 
You can follow my boards by clicking over there.------->
Hint Hint

I must say that it is not nearly as addicting as I had heard...At least not yet.
There are a million and three ideas on there! Everything from crafts, clothing, name it, it's on there somewhere!

I still need to figure out all of the bells and whistles
but I am really enjoying my time with my new best friend,
(Ya, not addicting at all)

Anyway, while I was spending quality time on my computer the other day, I came across an awesomely creative idea for celery! You can use it as a stamp. Confused?? There's nothing to it.

Just chop off the stalks...

Use a brush to paint directly on to the celery and stamp on your paper.

We worked it into our Family Bible Time and learned a verse to go with our pretty flowers.

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers,
the flower fades
but the Word of our God
will stand forever.

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Your Comments Make My Day! I always look foward to reading them! Thanks!