
Friday, September 16, 2011

Sailing the High Seas!

I am more than blessed to have a husband who's job allows us to travel! Not only "allows" but pays for us to do so!! We took the most amazing trip this past August and I just wanted to share the details...

Syros, Greece
We started off in Instanbul Turkey.
When we arrived ,there were SWAT teams with big guns surrounding our hotel due to rioting.
( A little disturbing!) 
We had dinner that night at a fishy restaurant.
No, not fishy, as in bad. Fishy, as in, they served fish. 
From our seats at the restaurant, we got to watch the main bridge in Turkey
light up over the Bosphorous Strait.
It was very cool!
Still in Instanbul the next day, we took a tour of the whole city.
We saw mosques and the underground cisterns.
We visited the Grand Bazaar and the Spice Market.
Of course, the shopping was my favorite part!
I got some goodies to bring home while we were sight-seeing!

We then boarded the Sea Cloud II. It is a luxury sailing cruise ship. VERY FANCY.
(Felt a little out of my element!) 
We were scheduled to sail the Mediterranean Sea and visit the islands of Greece, ending in Athens.

Each city was just beautiful. White buidlings on hillsides and cliffs, overlooking the sea.

I think the most interesting part for us was actually seeing and hearing different parts of the Bible come to life.  We saw a church that Timothy preached at; where Paul and Silas were jailed; and got to walk on a real Roman road.  We saw ancient ruins of a city in Phillipi and sat on the seats of a Roman amphitheatre. It's part of their history, so even the part about Paul and Timothy was stated as fact.
The Bible is REAL and TRUE!
Seeing all of these "Religious" sites allowed us to talk more freely about our relationship with Christ
and we met a few other couples on the trip who are Christians as well!
That made the trip even better.

It's nice to get away and I'm sure that sooner-rather than later, I'll be saying that I'm ready for another trip...
but not today...It's good to be home!

Hope you all had a wonderful summer; filled with lots of happy memories!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I want to see more pictures though. Someday I want to hear all about it. It sounds like you guys had a lot of fun. and I bet it was beautiful.


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