
Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Bzzzy Family Organizer

Remember those ugly metal tiles that I ordered from Pickyourplum? I told you about those, right? Well, I attacked them with some crafty papers and modpodge and this is what I got!
I wanted a "Days of the week" calendar that I could just put random stuff on; such as: Piano Lessons or grocery lists.  
I bought some clear rocks from the $ Tree and modpodged those as well with the letters of the days of the week.  And stuck some magnets on the back.
Can you see them? Let me give you a close up.......

There. That's better.
 I used my cricut for the title. (Which, btw, it's very hard to come up with a title for these kinds of projects!)
And I had two bees buzzing around here but one got stolen by little Miss Maddie.

My handy dandy husband drilled holes in eacht tile for me and I strung some ribbon through and there ya' go!I can't wait to use these and clutter them up with all of the stuff that needs to get done! 

Oh! and I have another little thing that I wanted to show you! It's a piece of cake, I promise......

I saw a long time ago, in my pottery barn magazine,some really cute chalkboard pots. And.......I have been wanting to grow some herbs in my new kitchen window, so off I went to the store for pots and paint. 

All I did was spray paint them with some chalkboard paint and label with chalk! Told you it was easy!
Not much of a tutorial here but I still wanted to show them off! 

Hope you all have festive Fourth!! God Bless!!


  1. I'm going to come over and see all this stuff that you've done! Maybe you can take pictures of me admiring it all. ;)

  2. I love this organizing idea, and your chalk-painted pots.


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