
Monday, May 2, 2011

People Pleaser

1 Thessalonians 4:1
"Finally, Brothers, we ask, and urge you ,in the Lord Jesus ,that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing-that you do so more and more."

Yesterday, while on a road trip, I was thinking about how much I try to please people. I'm not necessarily, the typical "People Pleaser" but I do have that instinctual desire to meet others needs. God made most women this way, I think. We were created to be helpers.
Why was I dwelling on this, you ask??
Well, I had been gone already for 24 hours at this point in the trip and  I couldn't help but make a list in my head of what I need to do or who I need to call (or what I need to blog about!) ...But I think I need to be reminded sometimes that it's not the pressure of others or the desire to meet everyone's needs that should compel us but the constant need to please our God!

We have an amazing God and He has created each of us for His glory. We are here to "Make Him look good." (as my Sunday school teacher put it) So, for all of you ladies out there...(It's gonna' be hard but)

If you don't have the time, Say NO
If you aren't feeling up to it, Say NO

Follow God's leading and stay close to HIM.

Put on a beautiful smile while you do your list today and seek to bring glory to His name!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you sister for posting this. I especially needed to hear this today.


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