
Monday, May 9, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

As I was driving home today,
I saw a mother swan sitting on her nest.
I’ve seen her before, often, actually.
She has been sitting on that same nest all winter long. Even on the nastiest of winter days, she was there; huddled among the branches of her nest, in that icy, frozen pond. 
Now, it is spring and she sits tall…
but still on her nest.

It got me thinking…
What amazing patience she has! She sits and waits, no matter what.  She is such a great lesson in perseverance and just-plain-good-old-mothering. She reminded me of this verse:

Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old he shall not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

It doesn’t say, “If you correct your child today, you will not have to do so tomorrow” (Even though I wish it did!)  We are to continue training; continue teaching; continue correcting to reap benefits when our children are grown.

So, take heart! Every mother has her days of exhaustion but those moms who persevere will also have days of pure joy! (They may not be here as soon as you would prefer but they will come!)

Hope you all had a Blessed Mother’s Day!

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